Monday, October 25, 2010

Surprises? Yes, please.

Along your destiny path, what are the things you can control and the things you can’t? How will you deal with what you can’t control?

If there is anything that I have learned, there is nothing that I can definitely always control except for one thing. That one item of control would be my response to whatever challenges come my way. I enjoy thinking on the fly and solving problems as they arise because the world is unpredictable and thinking one can control anything else is just thinking.
My best weapon for dealing with the uncontrollable is my flexibility. I like to think that unforeseen things are around every corner along my destiny path. Between my current position and that of the future and my goals lays a minefield of variables. It then becomes my responsibility to associate the most accurate coefficients accordingly to arrive closest to what will allow me to achieve my goals and the future that will provide me with the most happiness.

Are you living a deferred life plan? Explain. / Does Kenny Moore’s “holy indifference” apply to you or not? Explain your answer. What can you learn from Moore’s perspective?

I chose to answer both of these questions together because I feel that they are connected for me. I don’t think that I’m living a deferred life plan but at the same time I think that I’m not living according to any one life plan either. Yes, I am currently in a graduate program to earn an even higher degree but my motivation for doing so is more because I enjoy learning and advancing my knowledge in the field of business. I chose this field because it is so broad. Everything has an aspect of business: every science, product, service, venture, project, or basic exchange contains elements of business where my education and interest can play a role. So really, I’m just playing life by ear taking the opportunities I’m given and even trying to make my own when I really want to.
To follow up, I like to live life. I’ve said this before and you’ll read it again. I love life. “Holy indifference” applies to me in a loose sense of the phrase. In the process of living, I have faced risk. In fact, I have had near death experiences and I do feel that those times have broadened my perspective in regards to life and time and what I’m doing with them. As far as Moore’s perspective, there is everything to learn from it. It applies across the board because it a valuable lesson in time and how fleeting it can be. Also, it’s a different perspective than my own so there is always that element to learn from, from the views of someone who has been places that I have not, seen things, heard things, and lived where I have not. These experiences are not lost on me and I like to think that I appreciate them wholeheartedly.

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