Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lego's Are Always the Answer

What are you passionate about?

To start, I feel that a brief definition is in order for “passion” specifically.

“Passion (from Latin verb patior meaning to suffer or to endure) is an emotion applied to a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion is an intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for something. The term is also often applied to a lively or eager interest in or admiration for a proposal, cause, or activity or love. Passion can be expressed as a feeling of unusual excitement, enthusiasm or compelling emotion towards a subject, idea, person, or object. A person is said to have a passion for something when he has a strong positive affinity for it. A love for something and a passion for something are often used synonymously.”

I am passionate, believe it or not, about a great many things. I love to travel, as I have said before. I love order and chaos and even that extra special little mix in the middle. I love to live my life. I love to be witty, or at least try. I am passionate about a great many things. Where this passion comes from is the most important thing for me. I learned at a very young age that “time waits for no one,” as my grandmother used to say. Time is that unforgiving element that defines us all in a web of past, present, and future. A couple of other various clichés that I was provided with growing up have morphed me into me. “It is what it is” has always allowed me to live in the present and prepare for the future. I am passionate, sure, but that passion stems from not only me but many others who have been there for me in good times and bad to share their own lives and struggles, victories and defeats.

What did you love to do when you were around 11 or 12?

I loved Lego’s. I loved to follow my “blueprints” and create visually stunning projects of pure block goodness. I loved throwing bricks together to create random vehicles and buildings just as much. Building with color patterns and architectural style was fun for me.

This led to my interest in architecture throughout high school and my participation in drafting competitions and eventual application to Cal Poly to major in it. Obviously I did not follow through with that. I do still build Lego’s though. Grand cities of multi-level glory stand tall in areas of prominence in my house.

Who are your heroes? Why?

Well my heroes are an interesting bunch, that’s for sure. My first choice would have to be my dad not because he worked so hard or because he set a great example, well he did, but for the attitude that he instilled in me. Growing up in the shadow of such an attitude provided that I welcome the world and its challenges and have a good time working and playing in it.

Outside of your family, what is it that you do that gives you joy?

Joy is a vague emotion. Lego’s give me joy. Sushi always makes me smile. I absolutely love to ski. Standing in a soundless snowfall reflecting brings me joy also. In my opinion, joy can be found from any situation. Why squander opportunities of differing perspective with anything but joy?

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